LUNA gaem by chemley
Obligatory features list™
☣ Subjectively somewhat morbid themes
☣ Kinda fun work minigame
☣ Story stuff
☣ TWO (II) whole endings (2 of them)
☣ Lots of hand drawn stuff
☣ Shop with upgrades (holy shit)
This is my very first game so this is all very new and scary for me.
I have, in fact, never posted anything I made online before.
I hope you enjoy it despite the fact that I have no clue what I'm doing.
Development log
- Polish Update (Changelog + scrapped content)16 days ago
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I really liked the whole story and premise of this game and how relatable all of the characters felt.
Pls make a sequel.
Characters are pretty relatable and the bits of humor definitely land tho it would be cool to see more of the horror aspect and lore of the world. Gameplay is simple but fun and the artstyle is awesome :)
I've been working on just that! I will hopefully have a demo out soon ish, I'm planning on releasing it in several parts, ideally with saves being transferable between new updates, so should be fun
wait for more games from you !!
Thank you!
Here's my finished piece of patty hope you like it
Here's the uncolored version
I love it~
Here's my quick sketch of Patty also hii everyone who sees this
I think it's a good if there's a page or discord dedicated to Luna fanart dunno it's just my opinion anyways
While the 'mini'game is a lil clunky, I overall enjoyed the style and the theme of the game.
To say the least, promising.
(PS: I know this is kinda a participation trophy, but merit given for not using RPGmaker)
Edit: changed my mind sorry, there will absolutely be a new update I just decided to take a break for a bit to rest a little, anyway drawing hope you like
thats totally understandable dude, do everything in your own pace and js get comfortable, this might like, just be one of my favorite games this year, and maybe of last year too game got me giggling n shi and its cute as hell, i love luna sm and i honestly got sad when i noticed how short the game was, if you ever made another game i would fully support it, and ofc, i’m just another fan, but if it means anything to you, this game really made me happy. If you want, im even willing to buy your patreon if you have one? Regardless, keep it up this way and you might just be my favorite game dev frrr, i like, cant put into words how much i love this game bro. tysm for your effort and time spent into this, you deserve every compliment in this comment section sorry for the glaze!
Thank you so much, sorry haha I actually kind of regret posting that, I guess I just felt a little guilty over not having an update out immediately after posting the game, especially with how much everyone loves it. I really appreciate everyone and I really don't want to disappoint anyone. I'm really glad that everyone is so understanding and sweet because I am very very hard on myself. Also I read your comment on youtube right after I wrote that and holy shit I had to take a walk just to process the concept of getting paid to make this stuff
yo!! I’m sorry, kopi wont accept my card Could you make a patreon instead? also, you getting paid shouldnt be surprising at all, this game is honestly amazing. Also, the game released like what? 5 days ago? You shouldnt pressure yourself to update it already, much less feel guilty over that. I also assure you, nobody is disappointed with this game About you being hard on yourself, you should relaxxx, its your first game! You should just do it in your own time and do what you like, What is the point of having a hobby to make games and then not enjoying it? Also, it is kind of funny to talk on two different platforms and its also kind of funny that you had to take a walk for that, regardless, im happy you’re happy
I don't know what you posted and deleted, but if you're feeling overwhelmed by the support which your game recently has, and feel obligated to make an update, DON'T RUSH, relax and take a break as long as you want, then return to game dev when you're mentally and physically prepared, you have the potential and skills, and we can all wait for your next project/update (however you call it), so take it easy.
On the other hand, it's alright if you can't continue the story for LUNA, this is your first game after all and perhaps it's better if this game stays simple and short the way it is, however, I'm sure that people will want to see more official arts for Luna and Kylar from you, it'd be great if you feature them as NPC characters in your next game or something, but it's all your choice, so stay cool and don't rush art!
Thank you! I'm really glad that everyone is so patient with me, receiving so much attention after making games for myself for so long is really really strange (and very fun) but I'm adapting
Yo there's going to be a new update :O
Also can you rate this art piece I made of Luna?
poggers poggers poggers poggers I absolutely love it! You did a great job! I just found out how much I fucking love fanart of Luna lol. As for the update... I decided ultimately to just move on, people love it as is so why mess with it.. Already working on something new, the idea still feels a bit flat but it's progressing very nicely. Here's a screenshot of the currently extremely rough early build since I'm probably going to be sealed away in my tomb working on it for a while, and I like your drawing.
Thank you thak you thank you, you literally just made my day. Knowing that there's gonna be a new game in progress I'm so hyped for it and yeah totally gonna play it, plus leaks too w(°o°)w! I'm also planning to make a drawing of Patty or Kyler while trying to further improve my art.
But any ways thank you for always being responsive towards comments your amazing, THANKS
Heyyyyy where'd the finished drawing go? Don't be afraid to post stuff, it looks good! I have it saved on my desktop either way, so I don't mind, but still! (or am I just blind lol?)
And here I am feeling a little embarrassed yet again。◕‿◕。
A little question though what software did you use to create your game? Cause I wanna try creating one too^_^
Hey, just passing by to tell you a small problem about a copyrighted song in your game, it's "Midnight Grooves" by Savaane, I guess you must have downloaded this song from Pixabay cuz many people did the same thing and got copyrighted even though this song is free to use, please avoid using Pixabay to find musics, you should always check out those "non copyright" songs on YouTube to see if they are copyrighted or not, for example, if a video has those songs playing and saying it's free to use, check the description to see if there is any YouTube automated format of the song like in this image, hope this helps with your game dev.
A little update, it's possible to appeal to the (false) copyright claim of this song and win over the copyright abuse (by simply just adding the name of the song and the author in the video's description), still it's annoying when something like this happens, make sure you always credit the musics used in your next games! And maybe put a warning about this issue when the player boots up the game for the first time or sth.
Cool! thanks for the tip. I originally found the song from here where it was used as the intro song I think? (though I do also use pixabay ocassionaly) I'm very sorry about the copyright issues, I did my best to make sure all songs were free to use but I guess it's inevitable. Hopefully I'll be able to make my own music soon because nothing terrifies and annoys me more than copyright
I honestly got hooked on to this game while watching a Flopamine vid about it. It got me wanting to play it, and now that i did, i can say that the characters are relatable down to the mental struggles and social anxiety. The mechanics are relatively easy to remember, characters are likeable, world design is phenominal, story is a mix of funny and sad, but most importantly would like to see more games from the developer overall.
(Thank u Chemly for developing this game, it surely made my day)
Thank you so much! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it! Hopefully I won't disappoint with the next one haha
Amazing game but I had one problem idk if im stupid but i accidentally picked up a carton of milk and i couldnt put it down after that. Is there a control or a place to throw away/put away items that you accidentally picked up? I also couldnt leave the place after i picked up the carton of milk. It wouldn't let me leave the shop.
You're not stupid haha don't say that, I intentionally made sure that this game does not hold your hand at all. You should be able to put it down in the MILK shelf, otherwise its a bug and it would be great if you'd tell me more, you also obviously can't steal things so that's why you couldn't leave. Thank you for playing!!
wow the game is so cool i love it bro
Thank you so much!
Your art is SO AMAZING BTW! Both me and my channel Artist loved your artstyle and character designs so much! The dialogue and humor was also such a vibe too at least for me. I saw somewhere else you did get some inspiration from the Coffin of Andy and Leyley and I could see some influences too here and there! It heavily reminded me of Dead Plate too the gameplay which was fun and not too hard!
Anyways this is getting long but I just wanted to say PLZ keep making games cuz for a first this was really good honestly and I'd LOVE to play more from you! Have a good one :D
Is there a waz to play it fullscreen and wiht controler
I will hopefully have an update out soon that will add full screen, not sure about controllers but I'll make sure to at least try and implement it!
HAHA, I just finished my first playthrough. Sadly, I didn't manage to buy the Christmas present. I loved it; it was melancholic and cute. I would love to see more of it.
I wish I could create art like this. Well, I need to wake up in 6 hours for final exams, and this helped me relax a little. Great project; hope to see more!
Thank you so much! Hope your exams go well, I'm in a similar situation though I really don't regret making this game instead of studying haha. I'm really glad that you enjoyed it! Do link your drawings or something if you make stuff, even if you feel like it's really amateur, I love looking at other peoples work.
a pretty nice game for a developer who just started. I thought the game was pretty interesting! overall, pretty decent game
This game is honstly amazing I enjoyed every bit of it Im did one ending where everyone was happy YAYYAY but for your first game this is amazing and if you ever decide to post more I really cant wait to play them also I hope you have a lovely day and again fantastic job on the game (:
So i did both endings and well.. "Things are going to get even bigger, gayer, and especially even more melodramtic than ever thought possible" I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH from the characters to how you play to the cafe scene which I think was really well done god I love these two and I wish them the best of life
I've honestly been trying to put into words how much your comment means to me for like 30 minutes and I completely give up, as stupid as it is I almost started crying haha, I've never really had people support me and stuff and I think your comment kind of cracked me.
You deserve every good comment and good things coming your way for only your first game this is really well done I cant put into words how the small interactions of Luna talking with the Kylar and patty are just so good and I love the working aspect and getting to upgrade my little store I seriously cant wait for any other games you might have planned and I just know your only going to get better and better from here I wish you the best of days and Ill see ya later oh one last thing I may not know you but I love ya platonically alright I wont make this any longer see ya (:
This game was scarily accurate about being suicidal and working in retail, I hope you had a great time making the game!
Thank you so much!
Thank you for replying! It made my day!
Good game
For your first game, I'm very impressed! The art style for this is great. I do love the concept of the minigame, however I didn't realize I could purchase upgrades, so I missed out on some things.
The game is well story-driven in my opinion, gameplay was nice and well paced. I had not issues with this at all.
Overall, I did enjoy playing this and would love to see more of your work in the so distant future!
I honestly find our relationship with Kyler to be both incredibly adorable yet rather concerning; I'm not sure anyone can be okay after that much exposure to 'Vomit Cake'...
The Shop minigame was fun, especially the last night which just became chaotic for me, I really messed up my first playthrough by not using those pills.
You did a really great job, especially for your first game; I'm very excited to see what else you create!
Amazing work! Love the sketchy look of the character sprites and the overall simplistic background art, the cutscene arts are good too, however I don't understand much of the story lmao.
SO did Luna, Kylar or some random demon kill the staff members? Or it's just some sort of hallucination/flashback that Luna has when being in the bathroom?
And what did the Purple Demon do to be "dealt with" by the Chef? I thought that those characters would have impact on the endings or sth but turned out it didn't.
And one last thing, I'd be damned if this game, and you, the author, didn't take any inspiration from Nemlei, the person who made The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, just from the look of it, I could tell immediately, plz tell me I'm not wrong lol.
But anyhow, great first game! Though it could be better if this was made in RPG Maker? Cuz I can't find a way to play it at full screen, there's no save option, replaying the game from the start is not such a burden cuz the retail worker gameplay isn't that complicated and fun, looking forward to your next game!
I also made a playthrough btw, my viewers gonna love your game.